Befriending the Journey with Cancer

“In the United States one in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Yet, there is irrefutable evidence that the majority of cancer and the suffering that follows can be prevented through appropriate lifestyle choices. These same lifestyle factors influence outcomes for those with cancer.” Lorenzo Cohen, PhD

Maryam has been working with individuals on the journey with cancer for over 15 years. The basis of her work is to offer a trauma-informed perspective, understanding that stress is naturally part of this journey. Maryam blends the wisdom of science and yoga to create personalized care plans that meet the individual, regardless of their continuum. She has worked also with cancer centers, helping both patients and healthcare workers weave yoga into the healing process.

Maryam co-founded with Anu Kaur, RD a program called Befriending the Journey with Cancer. Together, they collaborate to offer trainings and workshops in support of this journey and its various stages, with the use of yoga therapy, nutrition, and wellness counseling. Maryam and Anu have published articles on the program and their work in IAYT’s Yoga Therapy Today and for the American Institute for Cancer Research.

With over 150 studies around the benefits of yoga in supporting well-being for clients dealing with cancer, research shows that yoga is extremely effective in helping reduce fatigue, increase vitality, support better sleep hygiene, cultivate a more positive mindset, and offer ease in the body, mind and breath.


Maryam works with individuals in a one-on-one or semi-private setting. She also provides education through classes, workshops, and lectures. To work with Maryam, get in touch using the contact form.

  • Befriending the Journey of Cancer: Yoga Therapy & Holistic Nutrition

    6 one-hour private sessions • $550 (normally $750)

    These 6 sessions with Maryam and Anu will offer support to empower your decisions around nutrition, lifestyle habits, and care of the whole self. As trauma-informed health providers with over 40 years of combined experience in the field of cancer, health and well-being, we will meet you where you are in the cancer journey—before, during, and/or after treatment.

    In your sessions with Anu, you will learn:
    Why & how nutrition impacts you on the cancer journey
    • How to address the nutritional needs that are unique to the journey and you
    • Education around nervous system, stress and eating

    In your sessions with Maryam, you will learn:
    • Why mind/body connection is essential for the cancer journey
    • The use of breath and movement practices to support healing
    • Education around self-regulation tools for healthy daily habits

  • Befriending Cancer with Yoga & Nutrition 4-Week Course

    In their online course for health professionals, Maryam and Anu share evidence-based information on practices to support the journey with cancer, addressing the various stages and how paying thoughtful attention to nourishment and self-care practices are essential.

    After years of working with individuals on the journey with cancer, Maryam & Anu have found that the secret lies in befriending the trauma and inviting the transformational power of the journey within. The tool for befriending is in creating compassion-based habits.

    You will learn the science behind this “befriending approach” and how you can apply it to help cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers improve their quality of life through yoga and nutrition.

    Next course dates TBD; feel free to reach out if you are interested.

  • Yoga for Cancer Series

    Join Maryam for an online 4-week series to explore weekly breath-led practices that offer insight in supporting your journey with cancer.

    Each week, Maryam will highlight a study and explore a practice that incorporates the tool. This course will include gentle yoga, guided relaxation, and breathwork.

    Join from the comfort of your home, and an additional family member or caregiver is welcome to attend with each registration. All you need is a yoga mat, a chair and a blanket/pillow.

    This class is open to all people on the cancer continuum and their caregivers.

    This series is now closed to registration. Next dates TBD. Reach out for more info.

Cancer Webinar Recordings

Trauma-Informed Yoga for the Journey with Cancer

Cancer-Related Fatigue & Yoga